HOLY CROSS will be having an “in person” INTRODUCTION to the Bible beginning February 27th. COME! Learn the why and when of the Bible! Click here for further details.
The St. Martin de Porres Food Pantry is in need of reusable cloth bags (big enough for groceries) and plastic grocery bags. We are implementing a “Client Choice” pantry and we will need these bags for our neighbors in need as they “shop” for the food in the pantry. Please place your bags in the SMdP Food Donation Box in the narthex of the church or drop them off at the pantry. Thank you.
The staff and some parishioners of Holy Cross received an email that looked as if it was from Fr. Jude Michael and it asked donations. Please know that this is a scam. Fr. Jude Michael would not email parishioners with such a request. Please check with the parish office if you believe you have received a fraudulent email. Thank you for your attention to this matter.
The Friends of St. Martin’s food pantry here at Holy Cross need your help! We are in need of volunteers who can assist us with greeting clients, inputting data into the computer, obtaining signatures, and packing/distributing fresh produce to the clients. Click here for more details.
The staff and some parishioners of Holy Cross received an email that looked as if it was from Fr. Jude Michael and it asked for a donation of gift cards. Please know that this is a scam. Click for more details.
The Eucharistic Ministry is dedicated to serving the parish community through the distribution of the Body and Blood of Christ at Mass. Practicing Catholics over the age of 18 are eligible. For more information, contact Eileen Anandappa at 770-365-2886 or [email protected]
Lectors proclaim the Word of God. Members of this important ministry are trained to proclaim the words of sacred Scripture. Through proper training, lectors help the congregation to better understand and to successfully communicate to the people at Mass. For more information on being a lector, please contact Jerry Krieg at [email protected] or 404-245-5535. Or BJ Pollock at [email protected].
During the month of May, the Holy Cross Moms’ Club will be collecting donations for the Atlanta Birthright chapter. Birthright assists those who are facing challenges due to an unplanned pregnancy. Click here for items they are in most need of.
The Troop Support Ministry is collecting religious articles for troops overseas. Please consider donating your extra prayer cards, religious items and cards by placing them in the box located by the TV in the Narthex.