Welcome Back to Holy Cross Catholic Church and the St. Martin de Porres Food Pantry. We are very pleased that you have chosen our ministry to assist you with receiving food for you and your family. While anyone may receive an emergency supply of food, federal and state law require us to ask for Identification and Signatures when you first receive food and at least annually thereafter or sooner if we update our computer data base. We are also required to collect a signature each time you receive food from the pantry.
Each visit requirement:
Each time you come to the food pantry, (you may receive food from us every two weeks) we ask that you show an ID for the registered client so that we may find the household name and number in the computer more easily. You will then be asked to complete the daily TFAP (The Emergency Food Assistance Program) log-in sheet and, when appropriate, the GNAP (Georgia Nutrition Assistance Program) form. If you do not have ID, you may still receive food.
Yearly Verification Requirement
On or after October 1st each year, we will ask you to verify the information we have in the computer. You of course can update your information at any time. We will also ask you to complete and sign the TFAP (The Emergency Food Assistance Program) Household Eligibility criteria Form and we will ask to see the IDs of all household members during this verification process.
Possible Forms of ID during this verification process for the registered client and other adults in the household:
Driver’s license Consulate IDs
Passport – current or expired State Issued ID
Social Security Card Medicare Card
Insurance Card Military ID
Veteran’s ID
Possible Forms of ID for the children (<18):
School ID Consulate IDs
Passport - current or expired State Issued IDs
Medicaid card/TANF card Peachcare Card
Birth Certificate Social Security Card
Vaccine record