Friends of St. Martin de Porres at Holy Cross operates a large food pantry, feeds families in crisis, the homeless, and provides nutritious food items to school children in need. The pantry is open Tuesday through Friday 9:00am – 11:45am. We ask prospective clients to please bring a photo ID.
Ministry volunteer opportunities with Friends of St. Martin de Porres include:
Men or women on weekday mornings to staff the food pantry.
Men to pick up food at various times during the week.
Men or women to cook and serve food to the homeless on weekends.
Record-keeping, publicity and special projects.
In operation since 1982, we serve over 3,500 people in crisis each month with food. In any month, over 75 volunteers contribute their time and there is always room for more. Many of our tasks require physical strength and stamina, but there are also jobs which are less physical. We are friendly, laid back and offer a real sense of fulfillment in helping the poor.
For more information, contact us at 770-939-3501 ext. 231.