Although the celebration of the 15th birthday is not a sacrament, in many parts of Latin America it is an important tradition for the family and an illusion for the young birthday girl.
It is a celebration of thanksgiving to God for the gift of life and an opportunity to renew her baptismal vows.
It offers the quinceañera and her family the opportunity to receive in a very special way the guidance and spiritual strength that the Church offers them in this new stage.
This mass is also available for boys and Sweet 16 celebrations.
For the family:
For the Quinceañera:
The talks, given in our parish, are an enriching experience where the quinceañera and the chambelanes are invited to become aware of how important it is to continue in a youth apostolate that increases their knowledge of the faith and their love for the Virgin Mary and God.
Parents, godparents and friends, and Chamberlains are also invited to participate.
For Registered Parishioner Families
$600 (Mass)
For Unregistered Families
Saturdays at 11 am and 2 pm
Schedules subject to availability.
For more information contact
Kimberly Sierra at [email protected] or 770-939-350 ext. 223